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--- Matt Thogerson ---
The Troupe
Matt Ellis Matt Ellis
Nathan Fairhurst Nathan Fairhurst
Director of Movies and Evil
Matt Thogerson

Matt Thogerson

Funny Man
Samantha Nantz Samantha Nantz
"Complete with British Accent!"
Jon Fairhurst Jon Fairhurst
Music Master
Michael Fairhurst Michael Fairhurst
lil' Fairhurst
Ryan Wolk Ryan Wolk
Human Spellcheker
Andy Morse Andy Morse
Totally Rad Ninja Pirate
Jeff Drovdahl Jeff Drovdahl
Disgruntled Gnome
AJ Newland AJ Newland
Cooler than Van Gogh, and with twice as many ears!
Chris Guard Chris Guard
"I'm a Fire Fighter!"
Austin Houvener Austin Houvener
Man of Steel
Isaac Dickson Isaac Dickson
Two a's? Together!?
Jason Keene Jason Keene
Been to Japan!
Jeremy Robeson Jeremy Robeson
From Russia with Action
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Matt Thogerson Comments for Matt Thogerson
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Jon Fairhurst
Jon Fairhurst
Posted: 2007-12-01, 09:34PM GMT
That's it! Time for Matt to write a Muffin-based Microfilm. Let's shoot it during Xmas!
Posted: 2007-11-26, 07:15AM GMT
You sir, are my sexy muffin man. Bake me a banana nut.
Skitzo Studios
Posted: 2007-06-16, 06:27PM GMT
I really enjoyed you in " Us and Them". It was a great film and should have recieved more recognition. I will look forward to this year's offering from PPP.
Jon Fairhurst
Jon Fairhurst
Posted: 2007-05-04, 11:13PM GMT
Last edited: 2007-05-04, 11:14PM GMT

Glad you like the SoaC rough cut. I can't wait to download it. It should be a blast to score!

So... have you tried out the RSS feed yet? It rocks!
Matt Ellis
Matt Ellis
Posted: 2007-03-25, 11:37PM GMT
Man I wish I could be you. You're so hot, and amazingly talented. Oh well I guess I'll just have to be stupid 'ol me.
Matt Thogerson
Matt Thogerson
Posted: 2007-01-28, 10:50AM GMT
No gentlemen, no pouch quite yet. I would love to watch the episodes while I'm here but I can't! It costs too much. You see in Australia they charge you by kilobyte transfer. It adds up really quickly--ten dollars or more for downloading an episode of The Office. Bummer I know, but I promise to get all caught up when I get back.
Jon Fairhurst
Jon Fairhurst
Posted: 2007-01-25, 06:34PM GMT
Matt, have you grown a pouch yet?

And do they show Colonel Crush on Australian TV?
Jason Keene
Jason Keene
Posted: 2007-01-25, 07:51AM GMT
Hey funny man, grow up. Is Col. Crush a hit in Australia yet?
Jon Fairhurst
Jon Fairhurst
Posted: 2007-01-16, 12:54AM GMT
Tell those Aussies to get some bandwidth. You MUST see CC3, Webisode 1.
Jon Fairhurst
Jon Fairhurst
Posted: 2007-01-08, 09:16AM GMT
Hey Matt, did you take a boat? :)
Mug Shots

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